Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another holiday

Tomorrow is another holiday. There seem to be many Muslim holidays. I am thankful for them as it seems to be a nice break from the normal hectic schedule of carting the kids around. I prefer those that make it a long weekend, but I'm not complaining. I'll have Reid and Bill home tomorrow and we are going to a bbq. What's that I say? A bbq in KL? Yep! A couple has invited us and a few others for a family swim and Texas bbq. I'm curious about the bbq, but it will be a nice get together regardless. I'll be making a new dessert recipe...something like mini truffle bites. They look like mini chocolate pies and seem to be super easy...that is if you can find refrigerated pie dough. Come to think of it I should probably stick to the Texas theme and make mini pecan pies.
Today was a great day. Last night Reid learned to swim while pooling it with his daddy and today was a super day for him at swim lessons. He had so much fun he wasn't listening to what the teacher actually wanted him to do. He kept saying "I can do it all by myself". We had a tlak about that. But in any case, he did terrific! There is no fear any longer. We are very proud and "owe" him a toy.
Aside from Reid's super accomplishment today, I bought a new camera (and two new chairs for the living room!). I am so excited to finally have a "good" camera. I've been in awe and so envious of the beautiful pictures that Jen and ADP could take of their families. I told Bill when we moved here that I wanted to buy a new camera to capture all of the new places we would see and all of our experiences together. I've used it a little today taking pictures of G and of Reid swimming. I also got some good pics from the Kelly's apartment. They are on the 40th floor and have a great view of KL. It would be even better without the 2 buildings that are being constructed out their window, but that is KL. Tons of construction everywhere....mostly highrises. I can't wait to see the view at night.
Georgia is jabbering a ton. Always trying to tell us something. I think she is getting at least 4 teeth with 2 of them being molars. That's just on one side. I can't tell on the other. We've had a couple of rough nights with sleeping, but that is life. She is really good during the day and has really been an angel considering.
Our chairs for the living room get delivered tomorrow and they are green....very green. I'm hoping they look good. They don't do returns here and rarely do exchanges. It is such a pain. I'm still inteviewing maids and i think I've found one. The work permit/visa is a head ache and I 'm trying to figure out how that works. Hopefully soon we will have a live in to help us out. That's when we will really get to explore KL a bit more. Ashley and I are already dreaming of getting out more at night with our men. We need a little escape and a lot of adult time!


  1. Georgia gets more gorgeous in every picture you post, and I'm so proud of Reid's amazing improvement in swimming! I miss you guys so much! Really hoping I'll be able to see you all when you come home. After being inspired by you, I've started a blog about our life in Brazil! The link is Just posted some new pics of our apartment. :) Love you, Natty!

  2. Very informative blog. I so love reading these and keeping up with you guys. And the new pics ROCK! Thanks for the shout out, btw. :) Love to all in KL.
